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Writer's pictureLaurie Gouley

Mabon Blessing Spell: A Simple Harvest Celebration

Mabon Blessing Spell: A Simple Harvest Celebration - Laurie Gouley Mystic Market Milford, NH

Mabon, the autumn equinox, is a time of balance, gratitude, and harvest. It’s a moment to celebrate the fruits of your labor, give thanks, and prepare for the coming of winter. This easy spell is designed to honor the abundance in your life and bring blessings for the season ahead.

What You'll Need:

  • A small basket or bowl

  • Seasonal fruits (apples, pears, grapes, etc.)

  • A handful of nuts or seeds

  • A yellow or orange candle (symbolizing the harvest and the sun)

  • Matches or a lighter

  • A small piece of paper and a pen


Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can perform the spell undisturbed. It can be inside your home or outside in nature. Arrange the items on a table or altar, placing the candle in the center with the basket of fruits and nuts around it.

Spell Steps:

Ground and Center: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Feel your connection to the earth, grounding yourself. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the ground, drawing up energy and stability.

Light the Candle: Light the yellow or orange candle, focusing on the flame. As you do, say:

"I light this candle to honor Mabon, the time of balance and harvest. May its light bring warmth and abundance."

Give Thanks: Take a moment to reflect on the past year. Think about the things you’ve accomplished, the lessons you’ve learned, and the blessings you’ve received. Hold a piece of fruit or a nut in your hand, and say: "I give thanks for the abundance in my life, for the gifts of the earth, and for the harvest I now reap."

Bless the Fruits of the Harvest: Pass your hand over the basket of fruits and nuts, visualizing a golden light surrounding them. Say: "I bless this harvest, the fruits of the earth, the nuts, and the seeds. May they bring nourishment and prosperity, as the seasons turn and the days grow shorter."

Set Your Intentions: Take the piece of paper and write down a wish or intention for the coming months. It could be something you want to achieve, a habit you wish to cultivate, or a blessing you seek. Fold the paper and place it under the candle, saying: "As I set this intention, may it grow and flourish, just as the seeds of the harvest. So mote it be."

Close the Spell: Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, feeling gratitude for the abundance in your life. When you’re ready, blow out the candle, saying: "The spell is cast, the blessings received. May the light of Mabon guide my path. So mote it be."

Celebrate: Enjoy the fruits and nuts from the basket as a simple feast, sharing with friends or family if possible. Let this be a moment of joy and connection, celebrating the turning of the wheel of the year.

After the Spell: Keep the piece of paper with your intention in a safe place, or bury it in the earth to symbolize planting your wish for growth. As you move through the autumn season, remember the blessings of Mabon and the balance it brings.

Blessed Mabon!

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